Global Game Jam 2022

Download the game here During the weekend of January 28-30, I participated in a game jam. For those not aware, a game jam is an event held in which a theme is revealed to its participants, who are then challenged to make a video game (or, in the case of this game jam, they had the option to make a board game) centered around that theme in a set amount of time–in this jam’s case, Friday through Sunday at 5 PM pacific....

January 31, 2022

CSS Shop

Status: In progress Website styling is always a little tricky. Knowing how to make something look the way you want is complicated with CSS. That’s something I want to fix–preferably with an entertaining motif. The CSS Shop aims to make styling various components on a website easy, with the ability to modify several common attributes and see the changes you make in real-time. To achieve that, I’ve decided to use React....